Retail & FMCG

Streamline your financial and operations information into one platform, so you have more space to execute effective decisions

Financial planning & Sales Forecasts for Retail & FMCG

The Retail and Fast-moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry is one of the largest and most influential industry to economic growth worldwide and has a large impact on our day to day living. Competition in this industry is highly prevalent and challenging due to constant changing in consumer tastes, rapid growth of smaller brands, the rise of e-commerce, evolving technology, extreme barriers with oligopolies and creative usages of marketing platforms and advertisement. The need for innovation and efficiency itself in this modern era is at an all-time high, and effective decision making, and strategic analysis is vital to survive in this industry. MODLR provides these crucial abilities with connected planning, data, strategic information and end-users all in real time; allowing more efficient room for decision making and critical business opportunities to be seized in time.

MODLR provides the Retail and FMCG industry fluid, simple and effective reporting. All information is easy to process, update and change, while being reflected in real-time to all the necessary stakeholders. Critical information between corporate and financial planning can be conveyed instantly in one platform, and managers can spend more time adapting to the influx of change within this turbulent market to get ahead of the growing competition.

FP&A Software for Retail & FMCG

Modelling Opportunities

  1. Engagement analytics across multiple platforms audience datasets.
  2. Sales reporting and dashboarding.
  3. Customer segment analytics for better advertising targeting.

MODLR's Solutions

From your standard month end to highly complex what-If analysis - MODLR has you covered.

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To see the MODLR Cloud in action, schedule a personal demo with one of our modelling experts or watch an overview of the cloud platform.

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